So I know I haven't written in a long while (sorry Mac!), but I figure since I have some free time, I'll catch up a bit. I'm not even sure when I wrote last!!
First off .. CJ COMES IN TWO DAYS! I'm so excited to see the lil bro .. He's my fav person in the whole world <3.
Currently sitting in Leo's, waiting for Francesca to get here. Otherwise, life has been pretty much on auto-pilot. Softball every other day for individuals .. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday .. plus lifting plus conditioning. Then Thursday nights are my fav, cuz all the girls come over to watch Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice! Went to the grocery store Monday with Melissa and Kara and we got a bottle of Arbor Mist (Strawberry) for during Grey's this week (well, they used me to buy the alcohol, basically haha). Should be a really chill night .. looking forward to it!!
I'm trying to get all of my work done before CJ gets here, because I am doing ZERO work while he is here, and spending every possible second with him. I wish he lived up here with me .. that would be the best EVER. This Saturday I'm making pancakes for a bunch of close friends at my place .. my (famous) chocolate chip/banana pancakes. (Ask Mac .. they're fabulicious!) teheh. PLUS, I get to take CJ sightseeing with the girls!! AND Christina, her sis, and their friends are coming too! Should be an amaz-za-zing weekend :)
Classes are going pretty well .. I bombed (literally) my Strategic Management midterm. Oh well. I should probs talk to my professor about it .. the funny part is that I rocked the essay and the multiple choice killed me. At least I know what I'm doing and can explain myself. I'm looking forward to my Sports Marketing class next semester! Just started my pre-registration for next semester .. EWWWW .. almost half way done with the year .. WHAT?!?!? Please slow down time?! I'm not ready to say good bye .. and I certainly don't know how I'll live without certain people here .. :-/ ..
Anywho, tonight we have KK, and we're presenting our Scavenger Hunt pictures .. I'm excited to see each team's pics! :) Also, my professor canceled the one final that I had, which means I have zero .. so I'll be working on 5 group projects and presentations instead lol. I should probably get on that with my groups ... lol jk jk ...
I'm way excited to see my friend Justine play this Sunday against our vball team .. she's on the Louisville team .. a senior like me! Best friends since High School :). PLUS Jenna comes next Tuesday! Man, the next week and a half is gonna be bomb! Plus, Mac, Melissa, and I may be going to NYC the weekend after! I love my friends <3. I'm totally just going on tangents here .. Francesca just got here for breakfast but I'll update more on the past month, soon!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
2 wins + Banquet + Parents
GW 3 .. HOYAS 4 .. haha. you lose, colonials.
Mt. St. Mary's 2 .. HOYAS 3 .. haha. took 2
Playing two games on Saturday .. what a rush. I was so into the GW game that I took a second to breathe it in, and I just smiled. Looking around at my teammates .. I knew that was where I was supposed to be .. and where I should always be. Something/Someone placed me there .. it was meant to be. Cheering them on and having fun. Softball keeps me grounded .. always will.
Breakfast (my mom made her famous egg casserole) with my parents, mac & parents, jordan, meliss, jill, kara, francesca, regina, lauren = amazing. It was so much fun to have such a dynamic & energy in the house. I love them all and I wouldn't have wished for a better time. The banquet was really nice .. Christina's speech was beautiful, and made me cry like crazy. Slideshow of pictures was awesome .. named captains (Suria, Sam, and Kelsie).
Overall, was a great weekend. Looking forward to practice tomorrow night (and games this weekend).. I love being with my team. We push hard together and we get through it together. Love you guys <3.
Mt. St. Mary's 2 .. HOYAS 3 .. haha. took 2
Playing two games on Saturday .. what a rush. I was so into the GW game that I took a second to breathe it in, and I just smiled. Looking around at my teammates .. I knew that was where I was supposed to be .. and where I should always be. Something/Someone placed me there .. it was meant to be. Cheering them on and having fun. Softball keeps me grounded .. always will.
Breakfast (my mom made her famous egg casserole) with my parents, mac & parents, jordan, meliss, jill, kara, francesca, regina, lauren = amazing. It was so much fun to have such a dynamic & energy in the house. I love them all and I wouldn't have wished for a better time. The banquet was really nice .. Christina's speech was beautiful, and made me cry like crazy. Slideshow of pictures was awesome .. named captains (Suria, Sam, and Kelsie).
Overall, was a great weekend. Looking forward to practice tomorrow night (and games this weekend).. I love being with my team. We push hard together and we get through it together. Love you guys <3.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Libs .. again
Currently trying to get work done .. well aside from typing this, lol. I know I haven't written in awhile, and what a better time then while I'm supposed to be doing work? True story: I'm hooked on Miley Cyrus' song "Party in the USA" (sorry Mackensey!). Jamming to it now. Badass.
So the past week has definitely been better than the first couple weeks here. Much less stressful, and I've been getting back some awesome grades on papers that I've written (doesn't usually happen, haha). No but really, I've been getting a lot of work done, so I'm pretty proud of that. My classes are pretty freakin' sweet too. I'm ACTUALLY paying attention in all of them, and I've been on top of it all. Luckily, I only have one final (and mid-term I think?), and the rest are group projects. Call me a lucky duck, I guess? I'm sure the group projects will still be a pain in the butt simply because .. they are group projects :).
SOOOO my parents come this weekend! woot! Very excited to see them, and show them my room! Really really excited to play GW and Mt. St. Mary's this Saturday. I mean practicing is cool and all, but playing is where it's at! PLUS Coach Pat said that we can get the same bats that we had my sophomore year (which I balled up with .. yeah, probably all mental, but oh well) .. so me, Mac, and Jordy went and gave Coach E the orders we wanted for our new (sweet) bats. We're all gonna rock this year .. I CAN FEEL IT!!!
Otherwise, I've been mostly hanging out and staying up late getting work done. Powered through an "almost" all-nighter on Tuesday. Stayed in the libs till 4am writing a paper (which I do not suggest, ever!). Hopefully it turns out to be a decent paper, because I really feel like I expressed my views well throughout the whole thing. I have a group project for SRB (Social Responsibility of Business) due Saturday by noon (random day and time? i think so), and it has to do with discrimination throughout the workplace. The first case has to do with an African American man wanting to work in a predominantly racist area of Georgia - do I let him work there, or do I pull the plug? The second case has me deciding whether hiring a homosexual man will hurt my company, and have me losing clients. My heart is telling me one thing, but my head is pulling me a little in the opposite direction. Immediately I say "HIRE HIM!" .. since he is extremely qualified. But my professor reminded us that we have to think like a manager here, and we have to put our personal feelings aside. Anyway, I shared the information with my mom (since I value her opinion) and she forwarded it to my dad, my friend Corey's dad (who gave me Corey's opinion as well) .. and so now I have many opinions of what I should do. I have to admit, it's pretty cool to see what everyone thinks!! Gay or straight - being qualified is key, was the main consensus that I received. I'm sorry if the clients can't handle his sexuality, but this is the 21st century .. let's go people .. (sorry, I know I'm rambling!)
I think I just typed all that without even blinking an eye. I love going through the cases for my classes .. I'm definitely a business student at heart. :) (just gotta help Mackensey decide now :-P) .. Lift was rough today . . the weight is so ridiculously heavy and everyone is hurting their backs from it. I didn't jump up in weight too much, but I'm already feeling tight .. After lift, a bunch of us ate at Leo's and then Mackensey made brownies at my place (they were awesome) .. and didn't burn the place down!! :: golf clap :: ;) .. Then some girls came over to watch Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice .. AMAZING SHOWS. 9-11pm Thursdays, I will always be out of commission, haha. I'm also behind on The Biggest Loser, since I couldn't watch it this week .. but I think my fav. guy got kicked off (someone leaked it to me), so that makes me sad. I'll still watch it when I can though.
BANQUET ON SUNDAY! WOOT! I love the banquet .. makes me uber happy. This is probably wayyy long enough of a post. Night Night.
So the past week has definitely been better than the first couple weeks here. Much less stressful, and I've been getting back some awesome grades on papers that I've written (doesn't usually happen, haha). No but really, I've been getting a lot of work done, so I'm pretty proud of that. My classes are pretty freakin' sweet too. I'm ACTUALLY paying attention in all of them, and I've been on top of it all. Luckily, I only have one final (and mid-term I think?), and the rest are group projects. Call me a lucky duck, I guess? I'm sure the group projects will still be a pain in the butt simply because .. they are group projects :).
SOOOO my parents come this weekend! woot! Very excited to see them, and show them my room! Really really excited to play GW and Mt. St. Mary's this Saturday. I mean practicing is cool and all, but playing is where it's at! PLUS Coach Pat said that we can get the same bats that we had my sophomore year (which I balled up with .. yeah, probably all mental, but oh well) .. so me, Mac, and Jordy went and gave Coach E the orders we wanted for our new (sweet) bats. We're all gonna rock this year .. I CAN FEEL IT!!!
Otherwise, I've been mostly hanging out and staying up late getting work done. Powered through an "almost" all-nighter on Tuesday. Stayed in the libs till 4am writing a paper (which I do not suggest, ever!). Hopefully it turns out to be a decent paper, because I really feel like I expressed my views well throughout the whole thing. I have a group project for SRB (Social Responsibility of Business) due Saturday by noon (random day and time? i think so), and it has to do with discrimination throughout the workplace. The first case has to do with an African American man wanting to work in a predominantly racist area of Georgia - do I let him work there, or do I pull the plug? The second case has me deciding whether hiring a homosexual man will hurt my company, and have me losing clients. My heart is telling me one thing, but my head is pulling me a little in the opposite direction. Immediately I say "HIRE HIM!" .. since he is extremely qualified. But my professor reminded us that we have to think like a manager here, and we have to put our personal feelings aside. Anyway, I shared the information with my mom (since I value her opinion) and she forwarded it to my dad, my friend Corey's dad (who gave me Corey's opinion as well) .. and so now I have many opinions of what I should do. I have to admit, it's pretty cool to see what everyone thinks!! Gay or straight - being qualified is key, was the main consensus that I received. I'm sorry if the clients can't handle his sexuality, but this is the 21st century .. let's go people .. (sorry, I know I'm rambling!)
I think I just typed all that without even blinking an eye. I love going through the cases for my classes .. I'm definitely a business student at heart. :) (just gotta help Mackensey decide now :-P) .. Lift was rough today . . the weight is so ridiculously heavy and everyone is hurting their backs from it. I didn't jump up in weight too much, but I'm already feeling tight .. After lift, a bunch of us ate at Leo's and then Mackensey made brownies at my place (they were awesome) .. and didn't burn the place down!! :: golf clap :: ;) .. Then some girls came over to watch Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice .. AMAZING SHOWS. 9-11pm Thursdays, I will always be out of commission, haha. I'm also behind on The Biggest Loser, since I couldn't watch it this week .. but I think my fav. guy got kicked off (someone leaked it to me), so that makes me sad. I'll still watch it when I can though.
BANQUET ON SUNDAY! WOOT! I love the banquet .. makes me uber happy. This is probably wayyy long enough of a post. Night Night.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Libs = Soul Sucker
Yes, I am currently sitting in the library with Jordan and I have definitely done zero work. Good thing I didn't really have much to do in the first place :). She has been pretty successful so far, so that's good! And yes, the libs is a soul sucker. It's just no fun, but if you have to buckle down and finish up work, I guess it's the place to be? (ehhh)
Practice tonight was pretty good. Most of us are feeling pretty beat up, or as Mackensey said "i feel like my joints are being beaten by softball bats" .. or something to that extent :). Probs didn't help that I had the worst stomach cramps EVER, but new subject ...
Tomorrow, both of my classes were cancelled, which is pretty awesome. My group and I have to "mime" in Red Square for 2 minutes tomorrow, at 10:15. We have to "freeze mime" anything that we want, and then write a reflection on how people reacted to us. Pretty awesome class, not gonna lie .. then after I will probably head down to CVS before practice. After practice is weights, and then dinner and The Biggest Loser! I watched the first episode with Meliss, and I'm officially hooked. :)
Pretty excited for this weekend! Christina comes, Nats vs. Braves game on Friday night (with all my girls!), and Homecoming weekend + no practice Thursday, Friday, Saturday OR Sunday. Wow. Did we get lucky or what? Anywho, it's getting late. Night Night. :)
Practice tonight was pretty good. Most of us are feeling pretty beat up, or as Mackensey said "i feel like my joints are being beaten by softball bats" .. or something to that extent :). Probs didn't help that I had the worst stomach cramps EVER, but new subject ...
Tomorrow, both of my classes were cancelled, which is pretty awesome. My group and I have to "mime" in Red Square for 2 minutes tomorrow, at 10:15. We have to "freeze mime" anything that we want, and then write a reflection on how people reacted to us. Pretty awesome class, not gonna lie .. then after I will probably head down to CVS before practice. After practice is weights, and then dinner and The Biggest Loser! I watched the first episode with Meliss, and I'm officially hooked. :)
Pretty excited for this weekend! Christina comes, Nats vs. Braves game on Friday night (with all my girls!), and Homecoming weekend + no practice Thursday, Friday, Saturday OR Sunday. Wow. Did we get lucky or what? Anywho, it's getting late. Night Night. :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
You ever just want to help someone, but you feel like you're only making it worse?

~Had a celebratory "Hoya Blue" shot, on Sarah. (Thanks Sarah) :)
1) I finally look like the team.
2) Classes are pretty decent (minus Strategic Management .. let's be real .. the title gives that away)
3) Jammin' to some sweet tunes, currently
1) Sore as hell
2) Stressed
3) Parents?
Supposed to rain the rest of the week. BLEH. I wanna play on Saturday .. Please rain Gods, no rain Saturday? Push to Sunday? Por favor?
(picture is of Riggs library. it's beautiful)
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Yep, been here for a full two weeks, and still have the run test looming over my head. Awesome.. ?
Anyway, it feels so great to be back in DC. Oh how I missed it so. First week was basically spent unpacking and worrying about the run test ONLY to have a 101.4 fever the morning of, and have to miss the test. Couldn't even cheer on the team. OH YEAH. was a friggin' awesome day to say the least. The good part was Christina came down for the weekend, as a surprise to everyone but me :) Was awesome to see her .. it felt like she was meant to be here, you know? Didn't feel like she was on vacation .. but now that she's not here anymore I can feel it. I have a lot more free time now that she isn't here .. I wonder if that is a bad thing? My grades will appreciate the effort I now have to bump them up, lol.
Living with (directly) Melissa is fabulous. I love reading her (trashy) magazines .. In Touch and People. Makes me smile. Kara and Jill are great as well. Kara aka "Momma K" aka "Kare Bear" is amazing. She takes care of us, and then some. It's been really great getting to know her better, as well. Of course I've been spending a lot of my time with Mackensey .. one of my best good friends (Forrest Gump reference ;) ) .. Also been hanging out with Kristina Mitchell, Jordan Hansen, and others more. Feels really great to have such a core group of amazing people in my life. Really helps to have people that you can count on and talk to.
So, out of 4 possible practices this week .. 2 were rained out. SUCKAGE. Ok ok, yes it was nice to have the days off, but we play in a week!?! My body appreciates the rain though .. sore like whoa. On a better note, SENIOR DISORIENTATION started last night. It was pretty awesome. I love my friends. Hung out with different groups at the Glowstick/Keg Party on the Leavey Esplanade, and then ended up at Tombs with Sammie + her friends! I got a Low Country Tea drink, and Sammie got a Coke + Rum. Then this older guy bought the "pretty ladies" each a shot .. it was a Woo Woo. Pretty awesome :). Crashed around 1:30 cuz I was dead tired!
Woke up today and ate lunch with Sammie, Jordan, Kristina, and Kathleen. Was splendid. Saw the end of the volleyball game (we won!) .. Just did my laundry and headed to the football game around 6pm, or whenever I get there, lol. Jilly is making soup and it smells fabulous! Mackensey is on her way over soon :). After that, Kristina is having a pre-game to the Adams Morgan trip tonight, so I'll head over there around 9pm. Can't wait :). Wootttt Mac is here .. Peace out.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
DC, DC, DC, DC .... DC
ahem. 3 full days left in Coral Springs, FL.
Currently watching the Jets vs. Ravens on Monday Night Football. Ravens are killin' it so far. Jets' QBs gotta learn when to throw the ball, and when to take the sack. Throwing too many interceptions so far .. Doesn't really matter .. I'm a Giants fan! WOOP WOOP! tehe.
Been watching Little League baseball lately. Currently watching NY vs. Iowa. Cute kids .. but I always feel bad for the team that loses. I hate to see them so young and crying!!
Can't wait to see all my friends in DC. I MISS EVERYONE!!!!!
Currently watching the Jets vs. Ravens on Monday Night Football. Ravens are killin' it so far. Jets' QBs gotta learn when to throw the ball, and when to take the sack. Throwing too many interceptions so far .. Doesn't really matter .. I'm a Giants fan! WOOP WOOP! tehe.
Been watching Little League baseball lately. Currently watching NY vs. Iowa. Cute kids .. but I always feel bad for the team that loses. I hate to see them so young and crying!!
Can't wait to see all my friends in DC. I MISS EVERYONE!!!!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Yesterday the sky looked like a scene from Independence Day

WOOT. Georgetown in 4 days .. WHAT?!?! Muahaha.
These past couple of days have been splendid. Friday, I got my new cell phone! I'm loving it so far .. :). That night, I went to Coach Poynton's house (My HS softball coach) for hamburgers, and a catch up. It was a lot of fun!! I then went straight to Ricky's new apartment for h

Currently watching The Birdcage .. awesome awesome movie .. and I can sadly quote most of it, lol. ;). I'm outttttt .. <33
4 days. tehe
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Christina went bye bye :(
I just dropped Christina off at the airport .. I'm sad :(. The good part is that we had such a great week!
Christina got here at 2pm last Saturday, and we headed back to my house, where my parents had a lil birthday get-together for me. We had friends and family there - including Christina, Melissa, and Stephie (with baby Maddy). It was super super fun and we all got to catch up and hang out. That night, Christina treated CJ to Taco Bell, around 11:30, then we all just hung out and watched TV. Then, Sunday was my mom's birthday, so we all took her to Bahia Cabana restaurant on Ft. Lauderdale beach, and had lunch and some awesome Daquiri's as well. :).
Then on Monday, Christina, CJ, and I went on an airboat ride (I have the crazy sun burn lines to prove it), and it was so amazing. It was a 55 minute long ride, and we even got to see some alligators and stuff! So beautiful!! Then later that night, Melissa came over and we went to the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, and Melissa banked, while Christina and I did not have a good gambling night lol. But I think Melissa had slot A.D.D, cuz she kept jumping from machine to machine. It was cute though, lol. She ended up with about $50, which was pretty cool. After that, we all crashed at my place, and got up super early (6:15am), and left for Busch Gardens (Me, Melissa, Christina, CJ, and Jordan). I drove us up, and we got to Kris and Corey's apartment by 11am. We went straight to Mel's for hot dogs (YUM), then into the park. We had so so much fun, and it was awesome to see Kris and Corey, of course!
Wednesday, I had an 8am doctor's appt, then Christina and I watched over my dad's store for a little while until I had an eye doctor appt at 4pm (I can see! woot!). Thennnn, my mom made us Filet Mignon (YUM), and we all went to see Julie & Julia after (minus CJ). I thought the movie was cute, but it didn't really have much of her show, only leading up to it. But I really enjoyed it. Today, Christina and I got burritos for lunch, and Baskin Robbins ice cream before I brought her to the airport. :'-(
Overall, I had a blast this week, and now I have to start getting ready to leave for GEORGETOWNNNN. WHAT!!??!?! ;) .. Until next time ...
7 Days
Christina got here at 2pm last Saturday, and we headed back to my house, where my parents had a lil birthday get-together for me. We had friends and family there - including Christina, Melissa, and Stephie (with baby Maddy). It was super super fun and we all got to catch up and hang out. That night, Christina treated CJ to Taco Bell, around 11:30, then we all just hung out and watched TV. Then, Sunday was my mom's birthday, so we all took her to Bahia Cabana restaurant on Ft. Lauderdale beach, and had lunch and some awesome Daquiri's as well. :).
Then on Monday, Christina, CJ, and I went on an airboat ride (I have the crazy sun burn lines to prove it), and it was so amazing. It was a 55 minute long ride, and we even got to see some alligators and stuff! So beautiful!! Then later that night, Melissa came over and we went to the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, and Melissa banked, while Christina and I did not have a good gambling night lol. But I think Melissa had slot A.D.D, cuz she kept jumping from machine to machine. It was cute though, lol. She ended up with about $50, which was pretty cool. After that, we all crashed at my place, and got up super early (6:15am), and left for Busch Gardens (Me, Melissa, Christina, CJ, and Jordan). I drove us up, and we got to Kris and Corey's apartment by 11am. We went straight to Mel's for hot dogs (YUM), then into the park. We had so so much fun, and it was awesome to see Kris and Corey, of course!
Wednesday, I had an 8am doctor's appt, then Christina and I watched over my dad's store for a little while until I had an eye doctor appt at 4pm (I can see! woot!). Thennnn, my mom made us Filet Mignon (YUM), and we all went to see Julie & Julia after (minus CJ). I thought the movie was cute, but it didn't really have much of her show, only leading up to it. But I really enjoyed it. Today, Christina and I got burritos for lunch, and Baskin Robbins ice cream before I brought her to the airport. :'-(
Overall, I had a blast this week, and now I have to start getting ready to leave for GEORGETOWNNNN. WHAT!!??!?! ;) .. Until next time ...
7 Days
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Epcot was tons of .. just a very long day!! We got up at 5:30am and were on the road by 6:30. We stopped around 7:30 for some Cracker Barrel breakfast (family traveling tradition) .. and got to Epcot at 10am on the dot. Pretty short ride, which was nice!
We met up with family friends, Art and Karen + their 4 little boys (SO CUTE) .. Kyle - 13 yrs old, Brett- 11 yrs old, Justin- 9 yrs old, and Dean- 6 yrs old. Dean was messing with me all day .. it was adorable. He'd poke me, then run. I'd tickle him, then run. So fun!
Anyway .. we got on all the fun rides and it only rained for about 10-15 mins. We stayed till about 7pm, then headed back to their hotel and hung out by the pool until 10pm, when we left for home! We got home right around midnight and I passed out around 1:30am. It's 1pm now, and I'm actually leaving in 5-10 mins to pick up Christina from the airport!! YAYY! The rain actually held out for her, so thats nice :).
We're having people over later tonight, as a late 21st birthday thing for me / it's my mom's birthday tomorrow! I can't wait! Melissa is coming too! WOOT!!
13 days
No softball in the 2016 Olympics? That's slightly like ripping my heart out, putting it in a blender, and hitting grind. I really thought we were gonna get it.
Dearest IOC,
You Suck.
Demetria Cipriano
13 Days
Dearest IOC,
You Suck.
Demetria Cipriano
13 Days
Monday, August 10, 2009
Back Home
So I'm officially back in Springs .. have been for about 3 days now. I got back on Friday evening, around 6pm and wasn't home for very long until my family and Ricki, Peter, and Jordan went to Anthony's pizza for dinner. Love that pizza :)
Then Friday night I went to Nick's house to see his family and meet his puppy (Mogley the pitbull) ... sooo cute! Then we were headed over to a party at this girl, Paige's house, when we got a call and needed to pick up something. Then, my friend, Ricky, called Nick and needed a ride so Nick and I went to pick him up. On the way there .. I was about to make a left turn (my light was green) and Nick goes "whoa whoa, stop" .. and we see this girl in a red BMW drive in front of me (running her red light) and drive over the median, and swerve back into her lane. Then she went 25 mph (down a 45 mph street) for a couple miles. Nick called 911 and reported her .. but it was pretty scary. I eventually turned off the road just to avoid her. I've never seen that in my life, but I'm sure glad that we were able to avoid it.
Anyway, I got back pretty late that night (3:30), after CJ wanted me to get him McDonalds, lol. Yeah, he was still awake. Then I got up the next morning and headed to the gym. I was feeling pretty good and it was nice to be working out at LA Fitness again, just because I'm so used to all the machines and stuff. Then my dad bought me a massage, which was really nice. I'd never had one before so it was definitely an experience! That night me, my mom, my friend Danielle, and her mom, Suzette, went to the Blue Martini to hang out. They ended up having a live band and we were all dancing and singing for a couple hours until we went to another place and danced there too! It was such a blast, and I'm still sleeping off the last two nights since I went to sleep so late, lol.
Then Sunday I went to Stein Mart with my dad and CJ, then lunch. After, I just kinda hung out and called it an early night. Now I'm watching Full House, but about to run some errands and head to the gym. Been an eventful couple of days and only going to get BUSIER! Friday my family and I are heading to Epcot! Yayy DISNEY!! :) We are meeting up with my mom's friend's family and her 4 little boys. We're only going to be there for the day and then Saturday Christina comes for 5 days :). Woot!! Should be an awesome last couple weeks before I head back to DC!!! SOOO SOOOOOONNNNNNN!!!
18 days.
Then Friday night I went to Nick's house to see his family and meet his puppy (Mogley the pitbull) ... sooo cute! Then we were headed over to a party at this girl, Paige's house, when we got a call and needed to pick up something. Then, my friend, Ricky, called Nick and needed a ride so Nick and I went to pick him up. On the way there .. I was about to make a left turn (my light was green) and Nick goes "whoa whoa, stop" .. and we see this girl in a red BMW drive in front of me (running her red light) and drive over the median, and swerve back into her lane. Then she went 25 mph (down a 45 mph street) for a couple miles. Nick called 911 and reported her .. but it was pretty scary. I eventually turned off the road just to avoid her. I've never seen that in my life, but I'm sure glad that we were able to avoid it.
Anyway, I got back pretty late that night (3:30), after CJ wanted me to get him McDonalds, lol. Yeah, he was still awake. Then I got up the next morning and headed to the gym. I was feeling pretty good and it was nice to be working out at LA Fitness again, just because I'm so used to all the machines and stuff. Then my dad bought me a massage, which was really nice. I'd never had one before so it was definitely an experience! That night me, my mom, my friend Danielle, and her mom, Suzette, went to the Blue Martini to hang out. They ended up having a live band and we were all dancing and singing for a couple hours until we went to another place and danced there too! It was such a blast, and I'm still sleeping off the last two nights since I went to sleep so late, lol.
Then Sunday I went to Stein Mart with my dad and CJ, then lunch. After, I just kinda hung out and called it an early night. Now I'm watching Full House, but about to run some errands and head to the gym. Been an eventful couple of days and only going to get BUSIER! Friday my family and I are heading to Epcot! Yayy DISNEY!! :) We are meeting up with my mom's friend's family and her 4 little boys. We're only going to be there for the day and then Saturday Christina comes for 5 days :). Woot!! Should be an awesome last couple weeks before I head back to DC!!! SOOO SOOOOOONNNNNNN!!!
18 days.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Coral Springs
Headed back to Springs in the morning, and getting mixed feelings. I want to see my family and friends back home, but I've definitely enjoyed my time with Kris and Core. I've always said that you never truly know a person until you've lived with them .. and now I can say that I truly know them both. They are the same people I knew before I moved in, which means that they are true friends, and two of my closest (now even closer).
I'm currently talking with my brother, CJ, through texts (yeah his 15 year old self is still awake at this hour) .. and he's bugging me because he wants to know if I know anything about him getting a car when he turns 16 in December. I obviously have that classified information, but my mom told me not to say anything. I'm sure it will come out that they are going to get him a car, that isn't my mom's Lexus .. but it's fun keeping it from him. The fact of the matter is, I can keep a secret from him through texts, but once I see him tomorrow .. I'm totally gonna be spilling the beans. Why does he have to be so awesome? We tell each other everything though .. and I love the kid to death. I'm so glad that we are close .. I miss him so much right now. He's my favorite person in the world.
Night bloggers.
20 days.
I'm currently talking with my brother, CJ, through texts (yeah his 15 year old self is still awake at this hour) .. and he's bugging me because he wants to know if I know anything about him getting a car when he turns 16 in December. I obviously have that classified information, but my mom told me not to say anything. I'm sure it will come out that they are going to get him a car, that isn't my mom's Lexus .. but it's fun keeping it from him. The fact of the matter is, I can keep a secret from him through texts, but once I see him tomorrow .. I'm totally gonna be spilling the beans. Why does he have to be so awesome? We tell each other everything though .. and I love the kid to death. I'm so glad that we are close .. I miss him so much right now. He's my favorite person in the world.
Night bloggers.
20 days.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
.."It's 3am I must be lonely .."
Great song .. but currently TRUE for me! Why am I up at 3am? I'm not 100% sure. Maybe I'm setting myself up for school mode, again. My usual sleep time is anywhere between 1-3am on a typical school night .. which is going to be even better this year since I have classes that start at 10:15 and NO 8:50s!! Woot!! Plus no Friday classes .. :) Mucho excited for that.
Anyway .. I still have my final exam on Thursday .. technically tomorrow .. so I'll be studying most of my Wednesday away. I also have to pack my things up because Dan is moving in here soon, since my mom will be picking me up on Friday. I'm not too worried about the exam, because even if I get a 50%, I'll still end up with a B- in the class. I'm obviously shooting for the A, which is what I have now (88% and 94% on my two papers and 3 A's on my quizzes! CHYEAHH) .. Too bad it won't count towards my GPA .. only the credits transfer. LAME. haha.
I'm really excited to get back to DC soon. I really miss it so much. 3 1/2 months is just way too long to be away from your home .. your family. My girls are my family and it sucks being away from them for so long. Some of my closest friends live the farthest away, and it SUCKS. Can't wait to see everyone again, and just go back to normal. I'm so out of my element here in Florida. Don't get me wrong .. Florida is amazing (Mackensey .. :-P) .. but DC has been my home for the past 3 years, and it just feels like I'm on this long extended vacation. Bleh. Enough of me being soft!!
"Love is patient .. Love is kind .."
23 days.
Great song .. but currently TRUE for me! Why am I up at 3am? I'm not 100% sure. Maybe I'm setting myself up for school mode, again. My usual sleep time is anywhere between 1-3am on a typical school night .. which is going to be even better this year since I have classes that start at 10:15 and NO 8:50s!! Woot!! Plus no Friday classes .. :) Mucho excited for that.
Anyway .. I still have my final exam on Thursday .. technically tomorrow .. so I'll be studying most of my Wednesday away. I also have to pack my things up because Dan is moving in here soon, since my mom will be picking me up on Friday. I'm not too worried about the exam, because even if I get a 50%, I'll still end up with a B- in the class. I'm obviously shooting for the A, which is what I have now (88% and 94% on my two papers and 3 A's on my quizzes! CHYEAHH) .. Too bad it won't count towards my GPA .. only the credits transfer. LAME. haha.
I'm really excited to get back to DC soon. I really miss it so much. 3 1/2 months is just way too long to be away from your home .. your family. My girls are my family and it sucks being away from them for so long. Some of my closest friends live the farthest away, and it SUCKS. Can't wait to see everyone again, and just go back to normal. I'm so out of my element here in Florida. Don't get me wrong .. Florida is amazing (Mackensey .. :-P) .. but DC has been my home for the past 3 years, and it just feels like I'm on this long extended vacation. Bleh. Enough of me being soft!!
"Love is patient .. Love is kind .."
23 days.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Shark Week
Started last night .. some pretty interesting stuff. Makes me never want to get in the water again .. but of course I will.
Great White Sharks are probably the scariest things I've ever seen in my life. Legit.
I just remembered why I'm not much of a beach girl ;)
Oh .. Check out these songs .. "Freeze" by T-Pain and "Down" by Jay Sean .. Both great (party) jams.
Great White Sharks are probably the scariest things I've ever seen in my life. Legit.
I just remembered why I'm not much of a beach girl ;)
Oh .. Check out these songs .. "Freeze" by T-Pain and "Down" by Jay Sean .. Both great (party) jams.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Liar, Liar
Officially done with my paper .. and turned it in. My TA gave my entire class an extension on the paper until tonight at midnight. I had such bad writer's block until this morning, actually. I sent my TA some choppy notes and stuff last night, and she was nice enough to send me back some notes this morning. I finally sat down, no music or anything, and just let it fly. It felt pretty good :). We'll see what she thinks about it ..
So we haven't done too much in the past couple days. Thursday Corey and I had class from 12:30-4 .. my class watched No Country For Old Men and it was easily the most disgusting movie I've ever seen. The plot got better as the movie went on, but the amount of blood that I saw would have driven anyone crazy. Right after class we went to Jersey Mike's for subs .. I got a Buffalo Chicken sub .. it was very good. I've been trying so many new places that I've never even heard of .. don't know if more food is a good thing or not ;). Anyway, Friday night, Dan came by for a little while and we all just chilled and watched Liar Liar. Easily one of my top favorite movies! Jim Carrey is amazing.
Then today, after I finished up my paper, Dan came back over to chill .. and then his gf, Sara, came by and we were all chillin and watching Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. Both very good movies. Blues Clues and the Berenstein Bears was on too .. I can't believe I used to watch that damn blue dog when I was younger .. AND I practically grew up on the Berenstein Bears books. Ridiculous. So now we are watching some old school hockey and relaxing. Just had Blizzards from DQ .. Vanilla ice cream + M&Ms. Man, I feel a little guilty after it, but it was so damn good. Oh well.
I'll leave you with some Dave Matthews ..
"You’re like my best friend..
aw after a good, good drunk..
You and me wake up and make love after a deep sleep"
Man, I'd love a best friend to wake up next to in the morning ... #7
So we haven't done too much in the past couple days. Thursday Corey and I had class from 12:30-4 .. my class watched No Country For Old Men and it was easily the most disgusting movie I've ever seen. The plot got better as the movie went on, but the amount of blood that I saw would have driven anyone crazy. Right after class we went to Jersey Mike's for subs .. I got a Buffalo Chicken sub .. it was very good. I've been trying so many new places that I've never even heard of .. don't know if more food is a good thing or not ;). Anyway, Friday night, Dan came by for a little while and we all just chilled and watched Liar Liar. Easily one of my top favorite movies! Jim Carrey is amazing.
Then today, after I finished up my paper, Dan came back over to chill .. and then his gf, Sara, came by and we were all chillin and watching Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. Both very good movies. Blues Clues and the Berenstein Bears was on too .. I can't believe I used to watch that damn blue dog when I was younger .. AND I practically grew up on the Berenstein Bears books. Ridiculous. So now we are watching some old school hockey and relaxing. Just had Blizzards from DQ .. Vanilla ice cream + M&Ms. Man, I feel a little guilty after it, but it was so damn good. Oh well.
I'll leave you with some Dave Matthews ..
"You’re like my best friend..
aw after a good, good drunk..
You and me wake up and make love after a deep sleep"
Man, I'd love a best friend to wake up next to in the morning ... #7
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Summer classes = Oxymoron
Jamming to some John Mayer .. yeah yeah .. it's a recent development .. "Your Body is a Wonderland"
Attempting to write a paper .. I had to watch One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I love the movie more every time I watch it. Nothing much happening lately. Kris and Core took me to Evos for lunch today. I have to say .. never heard of the place, but it labels itself as "Healthy Fast Food" .. and the Buffalo Chicken Wrap that I had was splendid. :). Nothing really planned for the next week that I'm here, except studying for my Final. Bleh. I should start this paper.
There's no "i" in team.
30 Days till DC
Attempting to write a paper .. I had to watch One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I love the movie more every time I watch it. Nothing much happening lately. Kris and Core took me to Evos for lunch today. I have to say .. never heard of the place, but it labels itself as "Healthy Fast Food" .. and the Buffalo Chicken Wrap that I had was splendid. :). Nothing really planned for the next week that I'm here, except studying for my Final. Bleh. I should start this paper.
There's no "i" in team.
30 Days till DC
Monday, July 27, 2009
Fabulicious Weekend

My new word is apparently fabulicious (from I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry) .. don't worry .. it'll catch on with everyone ;)
I had such a great weekend with some awesome friends. Friday, Nick drove over from Orlando and took me to Gator's Dockside for an awesome lunch and some drinks. We finally got to catch up, since we hardly get to see each other, so it was great! Melissa met up with us there and we headed back to the apartment. When we got back, we all chilled out and just watched some TV. Didn't stay up too late .. we were all so tired, lol.
Then Saturday, all of us went to Mel's for hot dogs!! FABULICIOUS. Nick left after that, and we just kinda hung out until Melissa and I went to see Harry Potter. We walked out pretty upset because they completely left the final fight scene out! I mean what the heck?!? I was actually really looking forward to it .. considering I don't remember any other part of the book, haha. But overall, it was a great movie (as always). Can't wait for #7 Parts 1 + 2. So after that, we took showers and the four of us went out to the Cheesecake Factory and Bar Louie's! It was AWESOME. Had such a great time hanging out, dancing, and eating (of course!). lol. We came home around 12:30 .. then Melissa and I Skype'd with Christina and KP. Was awesome to see them!
Sunday we pretty much layed around and watched some movies. Kris drove us to Sonic for an awesome Snickers Blast and a Strawberry Limeade .. both amazing :). Then Kris and Core went to see the puppy (which they bought) .. :) .. and Melissa and I went and bought the stuff to make Death by Chicken .. it was FABULICIOUS. :) .. Anyway, Melissa left this morning :'( .. and I'm sitting watching movies with Kris and Deuce (puppy). Just watched 10 Things I Hate About You and currently watching Hook. :).
32 days till DC
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Core and I went to the softball fields at USF and played around for 2 hours .. it was soo nice to be able to throw and hit a bit .. He hit me ground balls .. I hit him some fly balls .. and we both got nice blisters lol .. I should start working those blisters back anyway .. the ones that stay all season! haha .. Good day overall, pretty chill ..
Melissa comes in 2 days!!!!! :)
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ..
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Awesome Birthday!

Thank you to everyone that made my birthday great. I love you guys. Bought my first alcohol at a gas station tonight: 6 pack of Smirnoff Ice: Strawberry Acai. Final count of drinks for the night.
At Bar Louie's
#1. Bull Shark
#2. Mason/Dixon
#3. Mystery shot from the manager
#4. Smirnoff Ice: Strawberry Acai
Stay classy, San Diego
Monday, July 20, 2009
"Cuz today is your birthdayyyyy"
Got the SWEETEST birthday card from Mackensey .. Tommy Boy .. fav. movie ever .. Thanks, Mac :)
A/C IS STILL BROKEN IN THE APARTMENT. We are all sitting here sweating it out. Rawr.
Not much else new .. we had to crash at Graci's apartment last night because it's so hot in here. It was really cool of her to let us crash .. I slept on the most comfortable couch, ever. haha. We started watching Wedding Crashers, but didn't finish it. I read for a little while and played with Molly ..

21 at midnight tonight .. Going out for drinks with Kris and Core .. Can't wait!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Softball = Life
Watching USA Softball DOMINATE the World Cup.
Screw you, Olympic Committee. You got rid of the best sport, ever.
Back Softball, 2016.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Why not softball?
Yeah, ESPN actually gave (USA) softball some air time this weekend, as they follow them through the World Cup (in OKC). USA just killed Italy, 12-0 (5 innings), tonight and it was awesome. I wish I could be there to watch our girls play. I look up to them so much (Jessica Mendoza is my favorite player of all time). It's so great to see them playing the sport. Sometimes I wish that all the girls I've played with throughout my life, loved the sport as much as the professionals do (and as much as I do). Softball isn't just a game .. it truly is a way of life. It will always be a part of my life, and I can't see myself never playing again .. especially after college. I love being part of a team. I love being a leader of that team, and being able to create such a passion between us all. ESPECIALLY when we all come together and win a huge game (ahem, or a doubleheader against UCONN!).
I'm basically ranting and raving, but the problem is that it has always bothered me that softball has never received the recognition that it deserves (and now that it's been removed from at least the 2012 Olympics). My brother said it best tonight, "I'm surprised to see softball on TV tonight." I know he meant nothing by it .. but he's right. Who ever watches softball? Man, when NCAA softball was on a month ago, I was glued to the TV and watched every single game. It's funny how people think that just because women play it, it doesn't need recognition like every other sport. WRONG. Not as many people watch softball, as say baseball, but that is because baseball has been built up as this sport that is so highly publicized, it's hard to not see it on every channel.
Why not softball?
Honestly .. why not softball? Why not any other women's sport? I would say that softball is building up, but not fast enough. Tennis and golf are the two sports that are shown the most often for women on TV. For goodness sake, the WNBA is a professional league and it is hardly ever on TV! Womens sports have to FIGHT for airtime with mens sports that are on 24/7. People have mentioned that its not fair to move a mens game for a womens game .. yet we've been moving womens games for a mens game since it was even possible to watch them on TV.
Now, I'm not trying to say that mens sports are bad (I watch them everyday .. I live, eat, and breathe all sports) .. but a little more recognition for the women that devote their lives to their sports, I really don't think is too much to ask. So for now .. I'll keep saying my peace, and plugging along. But this will never die, and I'll always do whats right for my team, our sport, and all women. If I follow the dream that I've had for awhile now, I'll be working with ESPN in a few years .. putting womens sports first. :)
Good night moon.
I'm basically ranting and raving, but the problem is that it has always bothered me that softball has never received the recognition that it deserves (and now that it's been removed from at least the 2012 Olympics). My brother said it best tonight, "I'm surprised to see softball on TV tonight." I know he meant nothing by it .. but he's right. Who ever watches softball? Man, when NCAA softball was on a month ago, I was glued to the TV and watched every single game. It's funny how people think that just because women play it, it doesn't need recognition like every other sport. WRONG. Not as many people watch softball, as say baseball, but that is because baseball has been built up as this sport that is so highly publicized, it's hard to not see it on every channel.
Why not softball?
Honestly .. why not softball? Why not any other women's sport? I would say that softball is building up, but not fast enough. Tennis and golf are the two sports that are shown the most often for women on TV. For goodness sake, the WNBA is a professional league and it is hardly ever on TV! Womens sports have to FIGHT for airtime with mens sports that are on 24/7. People have mentioned that its not fair to move a mens game for a womens game .. yet we've been moving womens games for a mens game since it was even possible to watch them on TV.
Now, I'm not trying to say that mens sports are bad (I watch them everyday .. I live, eat, and breathe all sports) .. but a little more recognition for the women that devote their lives to their sports, I really don't think is too much to ask. So for now .. I'll keep saying my peace, and plugging along. But this will never die, and I'll always do whats right for my team, our sport, and all women. If I follow the dream that I've had for awhile now, I'll be working with ESPN in a few years .. putting womens sports first. :)
Good night moon.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Busch Gardens

4 days till 21
43 days till DC
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
America's Funniest Home Videos

Things have been going much better now .. still stressed out .. kinda sucks, cuz I thought that summer was supposed to be non-stressful? Oh well. I'm excited that it's only 5 more days until my 21st birthday!! I can't wait to be able to just have a drink with some friends at night .. watch a sports game at a bar with a drink .. or even relax with some friends with my OWN bought alcoholic beverage. That made me sound like such an alcoholic. Oh well.
CJ and Jordy are up in Tampa with us for the weekend, then my dad is coming to pick them up on Saturday .. and to see me (close to my birthday) .. Then MELISSA comes to Tampa for the weekend!! I can't wait!!
Missin' my girls up in DC.
44 days.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Chillin in Tampa
Just gave my computer to Apple so they can fix the cracks that I have in my base/keyboard. Luckily they do it for free.. Even though the guy that helped me was a real ass. He didn't seem like he really cared what he was doing. It was slightly ridiculous. Oh well.
Watching the Texas vs. LSU game with Corey and Texas pretty much just gave the game away with a five-run 6th inning. Lame.
Anyway, summer has been going by pretty fast. It's about to be July already! I'm a happy camper because it's closer to getting back to Georgetown!!
CJ is doing good .. One more day of drivers ed for him. He is a great driver but this will help with insurance. He's getting so tall! I love it.. I'm sure he will be even taller since his feet are already a size 11!! Haha
We'll be headin home for July 4th and I'm excited! Melissa is coming up to Tampa July 24th and Christina is coming to Springs August 15th!! Woot!! I start class next Tuesday and I'm excited because I think it looks interesting! :-)
Hope everyone is having a great summer. I miss my girls and can't wait to get back in the weightroom and on the field with them.
Peace out
Watching the Texas vs. LSU game with Corey and Texas pretty much just gave the game away with a five-run 6th inning. Lame.
Anyway, summer has been going by pretty fast. It's about to be July already! I'm a happy camper because it's closer to getting back to Georgetown!!
CJ is doing good .. One more day of drivers ed for him. He is a great driver but this will help with insurance. He's getting so tall! I love it.. I'm sure he will be even taller since his feet are already a size 11!! Haha
We'll be headin home for July 4th and I'm excited! Melissa is coming up to Tampa July 24th and Christina is coming to Springs August 15th!! Woot!! I start class next Tuesday and I'm excited because I think it looks interesting! :-)
Hope everyone is having a great summer. I miss my girls and can't wait to get back in the weightroom and on the field with them.
Peace out
Monday, May 18, 2009
Picture Update
Just want to share some Junior Year pictures. :).
Not in chronological order haha.

Boat Cruise: Me and Christina

Me and Em

Meliss, Me, Mac, Jilly, Fishy

Initiation! Regs and Me

2009 Freshies are gonna have to step up their game!!!
Ry Ry, Car, Mac, Kels, Regs, and Em

Monika's Wedding with the family

Softball Banquet

FSU vs. UNC (UNC won 1-0)

Mac Attack and Me

Chapel Hill: Beautiful campus

Bandido's Mexican food!!

High fives all around

After CJ's confirmation


Inauguration Day: Me and Francesca!!

Epitomy of our fun this year: CATCH PHRASE!

Oh Su and Jilly .. Boob Game <3. onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
Happy 21st JEN!!!

Man, Su came up with a sweet rule for Kings! "If you say someone's name, you have to put your chin to wood."

They weren't good with the rule either!

Happy New Year!!

Me, Kris, and Core
Not in chronological order haha.

Boat Cruise: Me and Christina

Me and Em

Meliss, Me, Mac, Jilly, Fishy

Initiation! Regs and Me

2009 Freshies are gonna have to step up their game!!!
Ry Ry, Car, Mac, Kels, Regs, and Em

Monika's Wedding with the family

Softball Banquet

FSU vs. UNC (UNC won 1-0)

Mac Attack and Me

Chapel Hill: Beautiful campus

Bandido's Mexican food!!

High fives all around

After CJ's confirmation


Inauguration Day: Me and Francesca!!

Epitomy of our fun this year: CATCH PHRASE!

Oh Su and Jilly .. Boob Game <3. onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

Happy 21st JEN!!!

Man, Su came up with a sweet rule for Kings! "If you say someone's name, you have to put your chin to wood."

They weren't good with the rule either!

Happy New Year!!

Me, Kris, and Core
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Back in Springs
Officially back in FL .. no more finals .. I came out ok with my final grades .. no saving my GPA anymore, haha. Our seniors officially graduated yesterday! So proud of all of them, yet scared that I'm now considered a senior! YIKES!!
Been pretty lazy lately .. I wake up, eat, go to the gym, and chill in front of the TV. Kristina is coming down for the weekend (Thursday - Monday) for Memorial Day and I'm super excited because it means that I will have something to do :). haha.
Christina left for Italy today .. lucky lucky girl :)
Leaving for Tampa after June 8th, really excited about it. Not so much about the class, but I think Tampa should be a fun time! Plus I turn 21, and I'm already excited and ready to party.
I always feel like I have something to do .. ahhhhhh .. I need to relax.
Been pretty lazy lately .. I wake up, eat, go to the gym, and chill in front of the TV. Kristina is coming down for the weekend (Thursday - Monday) for Memorial Day and I'm super excited because it means that I will have something to do :). haha.
Christina left for Italy today .. lucky lucky girl :)
Leaving for Tampa after June 8th, really excited about it. Not so much about the class, but I think Tampa should be a fun time! Plus I turn 21, and I'm already excited and ready to party.
I always feel like I have something to do .. ahhhhhh .. I need to relax.
Monday, May 4, 2009
shitty day
Found out that Coach May is not returning next year, and it just made my day 1000 times worse than it already was.
Christina's senior day + rain out + tarp duty + Coach May leaving = misery
Did nothing the rest of the day until we (Me, KZ, Jen, Francesca, Ryan, Cara, Regan, Coop, Melissa) surprised Christina with a Melting Pot dinner.
Neither of you two can leave .. it's NEVER going to be the same .. why can't things go back to normal? This isn't how it's supposed to work.
Might as well cry myself to sleep .. it's one of those nights.
Christina's senior day + rain out + tarp duty + Coach May leaving = misery
Did nothing the rest of the day until we (Me, KZ, Jen, Francesca, Ryan, Cara, Regan, Coop, Melissa) surprised Christina with a Melting Pot dinner.
Neither of you two can leave .. it's NEVER going to be the same .. why can't things go back to normal? This isn't how it's supposed to work.
Might as well cry myself to sleep .. it's one of those nights.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Swang, Swang .. alright, alright, ok, ok .. I don't dance .. no way ..
So, we lost to Notre Dame today .. after we started the game in the 5th inning, down 1-8. Lame. I continued my non-hitting streak. What has gotten into me? Hitting has always been my thing .. ugh. Maybe I can help the team out a bit with my bat this weekend? I sure hope so ..
Working on Christina's scrapbook for Senior Day this Sunday against Depaul. Its lookin' pretty good .. just need people to sign it now! haha
Should go and study for finals .. I HATE EXAMS. :)
Working on Christina's scrapbook for Senior Day this Sunday against Depaul. Its lookin' pretty good .. just need people to sign it now! haha
Should go and study for finals .. I HATE EXAMS. :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
I can't get my last at-bat against Louisville out of my head. I could have put us ahead, therefore allowing us to beat the No.17 team in the NATION.
I can't believe I let my team down .. I keep dreaming and thinking about it.
We deserve a Top 8 spot .. we proved you all wrong, Big East.
I can't believe I let my team down .. I keep dreaming and thinking about it.
We deserve a Top 8 spot .. we proved you all wrong, Big East.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Swept UCONN!
Wow, Georgetown Softball swept UCONN on April 19th, 2009 - and boy did it feel great (and still does). No one thought we'd be here - but we are. Just a win or two (and some losses of other teams) from a Top 8 spot - IN OUR FIRST YEAR IN THE BIG EAST. Never again to be underestimated (I hope).
Been a stressful couple of days - turned in a group project today, with two still due tomorrow. It will be nice to leave for Villanova tomorrow, and be done with the projects. Then I can start to focus on getting my life together for finals and packing. My mom is coming to pick me up at the end of the semester, and then we're heading to NJ and PA for a little vacation (much needed).
Some pics from the UCONN games - excited much? :)

Been a stressful couple of days - turned in a group project today, with two still due tomorrow. It will be nice to leave for Villanova tomorrow, and be done with the projects. Then I can start to focus on getting my life together for finals and packing. My mom is coming to pick me up at the end of the semester, and then we're heading to NJ and PA for a little vacation (much needed).
Some pics from the UCONN games - excited much? :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Testing it out
I've never been good with keeping journals/blogs, but I'd like to keep track of things I've done. Maybe I'll actually keep up with this one .. I guess we'll see. Probably won't tell anyone about it for awhile ..
Just at the tech center right now .. getting some work done so that it won't be a long night.
Game against George Mason was canceled today .. lame. So many rain-outs this year .. SUCKS. I just want to play. Hopefully tomorrows game against UMBC will be played. This blog could get addicting, I should probably get back to work.
Until later,
Just at the tech center right now .. getting some work done so that it won't be a long night.
Game against George Mason was canceled today .. lame. So many rain-outs this year .. SUCKS. I just want to play. Hopefully tomorrows game against UMBC will be played. This blog could get addicting, I should probably get back to work.
Until later,
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