Yep, been here for a full two weeks, and still have the run test looming over my head. Awesome.. ?
Anyway, it feels so great to be back in DC. Oh how I missed it so. First week was basically spent unpacking and worrying about the run test ONLY to have a 101.4 fever the morning of, and have to miss the test. Couldn't even cheer on the team. OH YEAH. was a friggin' awesome day to say the least. The good part was Christina came down for the weekend, as a surprise to everyone but me :) Was awesome to see her .. it felt like she was meant to be here, you know? Didn't feel like she was on vacation .. but now that she's not here anymore I can feel it. I have a lot more free time now that she isn't here .. I wonder if that is a bad thing? My grades will appreciate the effort I now have to bump them up, lol.
Living with (directly) Melissa is fabulous. I love reading her (trashy) magazines .. In Touch and People. Makes me smile. Kara and Jill are great as well. Kara aka "Momma K" aka "Kare Bear" is amazing. She takes care of us, and then some. It's been really great getting to know her better, as well. Of course I've been spending a lot of my time with Mackensey .. one of my best good friends (Forrest Gump reference ;) ) .. Also been hanging out with Kristina Mitchell, Jordan Hansen, and others more. Feels really great to have such a core group of amazing people in my life. Really helps to have people that you can count on and talk to.
So, out of 4 possible practices this week .. 2 were rained out. SUCKAGE. Ok ok, yes it was nice to have the days off, but we play in a week!?! My body appreciates the rain though .. sore like whoa. On a better note, SENIOR DISORIENTATION started last night. It was pretty awesome. I love my friends. Hung out with different groups at the Glowstick/Keg Party on the Leavey Esplanade, and then ended up at Tombs with Sammie + her friends! I got a Low Country Tea drink, and Sammie got a Coke + Rum. Then this older guy bought the "pretty ladies" each a shot .. it was a Woo Woo. Pretty awesome :). Crashed around 1:30 cuz I was dead tired!
Woke up today and ate lunch with Sammie, Jordan, Kristina, and Kathleen. Was splendid. Saw the end of the volleyball game (we won!) .. Just did my laundry and headed to the football game around 6pm, or whenever I get there, lol. Jilly is making soup and it smells fabulous! Mackensey is on her way over soon :). After that, Kristina is having a pre-game to the Adams Morgan trip tonight, so I'll head over there around 9pm. Can't wait :). Wootttt Mac is here .. Peace out.
haha i officially love this post! Yay for being best good friends :)