Sunday, January 30, 2011

Well hello all ..

It sure has been awhile, hasn't it? I figure I should start getting back into this .. It was always something fun to me, although it eventually felt like a chore. Now that I think about it .. I always enjoyed writing whenever I felt like it ..

So today on facebook, I saw that Jen Connell had been doing this photography project called 365 Project. I figured I'd get into it, because it looks like something that I can stick to, and will keep me on track with SOMETHING in my life, haha. Anyway .. you sign up for an account, and you "pledge" to yourself that you will take and upload at least 1 picture everyday, for a year. It is a great way to keep a "photo diary/journal" of your year, and we all know how I love to take pictures :).

If you'd like to keep up with my progress .. you can check out ..

I hope you all enjoy it! I will definitely be back. Too much to catch up on now, so I will continue to write, and tell about my life from here on out. Looking forward to this new year.